Tuition classes tailored to your need, budget and schedule

Nepal's largest network of qualified teachers for home and online tuition

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Why is Prosikshya the top choice?

Committed for quality & excellence

Expert tutors

Get connected with highly
expert and experienced tutors

Verified tutors

Explore the difference with our
meticulously verified tutor profiles

LiveSmart video class

Join our real time smart live video
classes with integrated whiteboard

Free & flexible booking

Choose a tutor, book for free,
negotiate & pay the tutor directly
before or after the session.

Online or in-person

Choose your best location;
online, tutor's place or
student's place

Zero service fee

Our platform offers premium
services to tutors & students
with zero fee and commission.

How Prosikshya works

Learn online or in-person with Nepal’s best tutors

1. Find your perfect tutor​

Start by searching for a tutor based on subject, level, and preferences. Look for qualifications, teaching experience, and expertise that align with your needs.

2. Start learning

Effortlessly progress to lessons. Get personalised and creative feedback. Our platform makes starting one-on-one lessons a breeze.

3. Achieve excellence

Receive personalised guidance from expert and helpful tutors. Master subjects and unlock your true potential and Repeat the process seamlessly.

The leading & largest learning network in Nepal

Hire trained and exceptional tutors 

Become a Prosikshya tutor

Share your expert knowledge with students


As a Prosikshya tutor, you have the freedom to choose your work hours and schedule sessions according to your availability.


As a tutor, you have the privilege of guiding and supporting students in their educational journey, helping them overcome challenges.


By interacting with students from diverse backgrounds, you enhance your communication, problem-solving, & interpersonal skills.

Online or in-person.

Teach from the comfort of your home, in your local community, or online, and tailor your teaching to your preferences.

More students.

Easily connect with thousands of motivated and enthusiastic students ready to embark on their educational journey.

Set your rates.

Enjoy the freedom & flexibility to set your own rates, with NO intermediary costs, fee or commissions when you join.

Insights from the avid learners

See how our students made their success stories


9th standard, Lalitpur

“I struggled with math concepts in high school, but Prosikshya’s tutoring service has helped me immensely. The tutors are patient and knowledgeable, and they have made learning math enjoyable for me. Thanks to their guidance, I have improved my grades & confidence in the subject & now I love maths.”


10th Grade, Chitwan

“Thanks to Prosikshya, I have not only acquired a solid foundation in high school science but also developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will undoubtedly benefit me in future endeavors. I am immensely grateful for the exceptional learning experience provided by Prosikshya”

Nokul Acharya

BBS, Chitwan

“As a working professional, it can be challenging to balance work and studies. Prosikshya’s flexible scheduling has allowed me to take lessons on my own time, and the tutors have been supportive and understanding. They have helped me to achieve my goals and advance in my career. I am grateful for their service.”

Mrs. Sapana

Parent, Chitwan

“Prosikshya’s tutoring service has been a game-changer for my son. He was struggling with his schoolwork, but the tutors were patient and dedicated in helping him understand the material. They have not only improved his grades but also boosted his confidence in learning. I am impressed with the level of care and support they provide.”

Join free. Create your own classroom.

Minimum effort, maximum benefits

Find the right tutor for you.

Prosikshya tutors are not only qualified educators, but are also passionate about teaching students gain confidence in their academic abilities and helping them achieve their goals.

Tutors near me




















Madhyapur Thimi 




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