13 online tutors for private lessons

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₨ 0.00/hr

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I am Manish, a software engineer and co-founder of Hexlipi. I am a curious and creative person who loves to teach students and help them grow. Throughout my journey as a software engineer, I have built multiple products

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  • Computer
Starting from:

₨ 200.00/hr

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I am a dedicated and enthusiastic computer science tutor with a passion for guiding students through the exciting world of technology. With a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and years of industry experience, I bring a wealth of

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  • Computer
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₨ 0.00/hr

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Hi there! I'm your dedicated computer science tutor.I bring a solid foundation in both theory and practical application. My passion for the subject has driven me to explore various areas, from algorithms and data structures to software engineering

  • Computer
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₨ 0.00/hr

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Namaste! I am a dedicated computer tutor with a strong foundation in technology and a passion for sharing knowledge. Armed with a BSc in IT and a Masters in eGovernance, coupled with my role as a BIM BCA

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  • Computer
  • Web Design
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₨ 0.00/hr

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Dallu, Kathmandu


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I'm an experienced and versatile computer tutor with an MSC IT (Master of Science in Information Technology) degree. With a background in web development and design teaching, I am dedicated to helping students excel in various computer-related subjects.

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  • Computer
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₨ 0.00/hr

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I am an experienced and knowledgeable computer tutor with an MSC CSIT (Master of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology) degree. With a strong background in both programming and project management, I am dedicated to helping students

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  • Computer
  • Python
  • Programming
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₨ 0.00/hr

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As a proficient computer tutor with a Master's degree in Computer Applications (MCA) and experience as a bachelor level computer teacher, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise in the field of computer science. With a

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  • Computer
  • Physics
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₨ 0.00/hr

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Having completed an MBA, I understand the importance of practical applications and problem-solving in the business world. I leverage this knowledge to make computer programming concepts relevant and applicable to real-world scenarios. Through engaging examples, hands-on projects, and

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  • Computer
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₨ 0.00/hr

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I am Software Developer . I develop Mobile App using Android and Flutter.  I am lecturer and trainer of C Programming , C , Java , Data Structure and Algorithm and Mobile App Development (Android and Flutter).

  • Computer
Starting from:

₨ 250.00/hr

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Hello, I am Prakash Koirala, with over 8 years of experience in the fields of IT and teaching. I was  the Information Technology Program Manager (HOD)  at ISMT College in Biratnagar, Nepal and Itahari International College Itahari ,

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  • Computer
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₨ 0.00/hr

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Maitidevi, Kathmandu


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Skilled in programming languages, digital marketing, data analysis and FinTech products. Strong business development professional and familiar with new digital products like OmniChannel, NewGen iBPS with a Bachelor of Computer Application focused in Information Technology Computer Science Teacher

0 (00)
  • Computer
  • Programming
  • Machine Learning
  • Python
Starting from:

₨ 0.00/hr

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I am a tech enthusiast, currently making my hands dirty on AI/Machine Learning. To teach pupils about The basic concepts of programming Basic python (data types, operators, loops, conditions, data structures) Python Modules (time, maths, pyautogui, pyttsx3, numpy,

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  • Computer

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"Teaching is the greatest act of optimism." I am a Tech Enthusiast. My years have passed learning about various aspects of Computer Science. Teaching has always been a fascinating profession and I describe it as the most challenging

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