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Tutor FAQ's

  • Does the black verified tick mean the tutor is highly qualified?

    While the black verified tick confirms that the tutor’s identity and qualifications have been validated, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the tutor is an expert in every subject. It is still a good idea to review the tutor’s teaching style, student reviews, and subject-specific expertise to ensure they’re a good fit for your needs.

  • To receive the black verified tick, tutors typically need to submit identity documents (National identity card) and proof of qualifications (e.g., degree certificates, teaching certifications). The platform will review and verify these details, and if everything checks out, the tutor will receive the verified status.

  • The black verified tick indicates that the tutor’s identity have been officially verified by the platform. This means they have completed a verification process to confirm their credentials and identity, ensuring students that they are qualified and trustworthy.

  • We believe in making education accessible for all, so we offer our platform at no cost (no joining fee, no commission, no membership fee, no fee at all) to tutors and students. You only pay for the tutoring session, directly to the tutor, once the session is completed. At the same time, we ensure that qualified, hardworking, and experienced tutors can benefit from the platform, providing them with the opportunity to connect with students and share their expertise.

  • Our platform allows students to book tutoring sessions without any payment. You can choose a tutor, select a time, and book a session at no cost. Payment will be arranged directly between you and the tutor once the session is completed. The platform does not charge any fees for booking or for using its services.

  • Email Notification: You will receive an email with the booking details, including the student’s name, student’s phone number or session booked, and the date and time. Please check your inbox or spam folder.

    Real Time Notification: You will also receive a real-time notification on your Prosikshya instructor dashboard, where you can view all upcoming bookings

  • Currently, our platform is fully accessible through your web browser, but we are working on a mobile app. Stay tuned for future updates!

  • To get bookings from students, it’s crucial to complete your profile and showcase your professional credibility. This means providing detailed information about your services, qualifications, experience & availability. Students are more likely to book with someone they perceive as trustworthy and reliable, so make sure to highlight any certifications, testimonials, or relevant achievements that demonstrate your expertise. A complete and professional profile will attract students and increase their confidence in booking with you.

  • Currently, we do not process payments. However, we have plans to integrate payment processing in the future to provide a formal payment method for our services. We understand the importance of offering convenient and secure payment options to our customers, and we are actively working towards implementing a payment system that will enhance the overall user experience. Stay tuned for updates on our progress, and we appreciate your understanding and patience during this transition period. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

  • We provide support and resources for tutors, including training materials, customer service, and dispute resolution services.

  • Yes, tutors can typically set their own rates for tutoring services on the platform, but may need to adhere to minimum or maximum rates set by the platform.

  • Yes, students can typically provide feedback on the quality of the tutoring sessions, which can help tutors improve their services and attract more clients.

  • To become a tutor on the tutoring service platform, you typically need to create an account and complete a profile that highlights your qualifications, experience, and availability.

  • The fees for tutoring services are determined by the tutor and can vary depending on the level of experience, subject, and length of the tutoring session.

  • The tutoring sessions can be conducted either online or in-person, depending on the preference of the student and tutor.

  • Prosikshya allows students to browse through a list of qualified tutors, choose one that suits their needs and schedule tutoring sessions with them. Tutors can also register on the platform, create a profile, and offer their services to students.

  • A tutoring service platform is an online platform that connects students with qualified tutors. It offers a wide range of tutoring services to students of all levels and subjects.

  • Our tutoring service platform allows you to update your qualifications and experience on your tutor profile through your dashboard or profile page. This may include adding new qualifications or certifications, updating your education or work experience, or adding new subject areas that you specialize in. Keeping your profile up-to-date is important to ensure that you are able to effectively market yourself to potential students.

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