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Privacy FAQ's

  • Does the tutoring service platform use cookies or other tracking technologies?

    The tutoring service platform may use cookies or other tracking technologies to improve the user experience and provide personalized content and advertising.

  • Yes, users can typically access and modify their personal information on the platform through their account settings or by contacting customer support.

  • Users can typically request that their personal information be deleted from the platform by contacting customer support or through their account settings.

  • We typically stores users’ personal information for as long as necessary to provide the tutoring service, and may also store the information for a period of time after the service is terminated for legal or regulatory purposes.

  • Yes, users can typically control what personal information is shared on the platform through their account settings.

  • We may share users’ personal information with third-party service providers for the purpose of delivering the tutoring service, but they will typically not sell or share users’ personal information for marketing purposes.

  • The personal information collected by this platform may include the user’s name, email address, phone number, payment information, and other information necessary for the tutoring service.

  • Our platform typically uses industry-standard security measures to protect users’ personal information, such as encryption, firewalls, and secure servers.

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