8 online tutors for private lessons

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₨ 1,000.00/hr

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I am a dedicated and experienced educator with a strong passion for the wonders of mathematics and the marvels of science. I am committed to nurturing students' curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities in these essential subjects.

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  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Optional Maths
  • Science
  • Maths
  • Social Science
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₨ 0.00/hr

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Hello there! I'm Surya Bhattarai, your dedicated guide to mastering the exciting worlds of Mathematics and Science.I'm a firm believer that Mathematics and Science are more than just subjects – they're pathways to critical thinking and problem-solving. My

  • Science
  • Maths
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Physics
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₨ 0.00/hr

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New Baneshwor,Kathmmandu


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"Hi, I'm Sanjana Jha, and I'm passionate about igniting curiosity in math and science.. From the elegance of mathematics to the wonders of scientific exploration, I'm here to be your guide. My teaching style focuses on breaking down

  • Science
  • Maths
  • Physics
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₨ 0.00/hr

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I'm Anamika, a highly qualified science and math tutor with a Master's degree in Physics (MSc). With a background as a science and math lecturer, I have extensive experience in teaching and guiding students in these subjects. My

  • Science
  • Physics
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₨ 0.00/hr

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As a dedicated and accomplished physics tutor, I hold both an MSc in Physics and a Masters in Technology and Safety, making me uniquely qualified to impart knowledge and expertise to my students. With a strong passion for

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  • Computer
  • Physics
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₨ 0.00/hr

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Having completed an MBA, I understand the importance of practical applications and problem-solving in the business world. I leverage this knowledge to make computer programming concepts relevant and applicable to real-world scenarios. Through engaging examples, hands-on projects, and

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  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Science
Starting from:

₨ 2,000.00/hr

You can get teaching service direct at

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Lalitpur-23, Airawat Marga


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Greetings! I am an accomplished educator with a master's degree in physics and over a decade of teaching experience. Proficient in Secondary math, Science, and Physics, I have dedicated my career to shaping young minds and fostering a

  • Science
  • Physics

You can get teaching service direct at

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  • Tutor place
Pepsicola, Koteshwor


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To step forward in the career of the teaching profession and be a part of the progressive institute by accepting all the challenges and to execute my expertise in a motivating environment by maximum utilization of knowledge and

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