3 online tutors for private lessons

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  • Computer
  • Python
  • Programming
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As a proficient computer tutor with a Master's degree in Computer Applications (MCA) and experience as a bachelor level computer teacher, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise in the field of computer science. With a

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  • Computer
  • Programming
  • Machine Learning
  • Python
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₨ 0.00/hr

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I am a tech enthusiast, currently making my hands dirty on AI/Machine Learning. To teach pupils about The basic concepts of programming Basic python (data types, operators, loops, conditions, data structures) Python Modules (time, maths, pyautogui, pyttsx3, numpy,

  • Computer
  • C & C++
  • Java
  • Programming

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Tilotama 3


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As a computer tutor, I have a strong passion for technology and a deep understanding of various computer systems and software. With years of experience in the field, I am dedicated to helping individuals develop their computer literacy

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