23 online tutors for private lessons

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I am an experienced tutor with experience in instructing students across various grade levels, including 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 10th. I am deeply committed to nurturing academic development and employing a student-centered approach to facilitate learning. My teaching

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  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Maths
  • Health Education
  • G.K.
  • English
  • Computer
  • Computer science
  • Math
  • GK
Starting from:

₨ 0.00/hr

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Hey there! I'm Samip Neupane, a 22-year-old eager to find opportunities and try out different fields. I love exploring and learning new things. I enjoy taking on challenges and always keep an open mind. I believe in bringing

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  • Science
  • Health Education
  • Maths
  • G.K.
  • English
  • Social Studies
  • GK
  • Math
Starting from:

₨ 700.00/hr

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Pulchowk, Lalitpur


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As a tutor, I am dedicated to helping students succeed in their learning endeavors. I have a passion for education and a strong desire to make a positive impact on their academic journey. With my expertise and experience,

0 (00)
  • Social Studies
  • Nepali
  • Science
  • Math
  • Computer
  • English
  • Health Education
  • Maths


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My teaching approach focuses on a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises. I believe in hands-on learning, allowing students to practice what they learn in real-world scenarios. I provide step-by-step guidance, troubleshooting tips, and encourage critical thinking

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  • General Knowledge
  • Drawing
  • Computer
  • English
  • Health Education
Starting from:

₨ 300.00/hr

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Om Shanti Tole Srijananagat


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Lasta is a fun, outgoing person who loves meeting people as to exchange information and learn new things. She loves to travel, is a big time foodie and paints too. 

0 (00)
  • Biology
  • Law
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • General Knowledge
  • Health Education

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With a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, and currently Masters in Human Rights and Gender Justice, . I am adept at research and background checks, equally prepared for any responsibility that comes with it. In my current position I

0 (00)
  • Social Studies
  • Health Education
  • Nepali
  • English
Starting from:

₨ 4.00/hr

You can get teaching service direct at

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  • Offline
  • Student place
  • Tutor place


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To work with people and teams where my knowledge enhance my working skill, experience, attitude and professional behavior that help to add the value to organizations and contribute to the growth of the team and myself.

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