Extensive experience.
excellent results.

Pro tutors are waiting for you

How it works for students

We recruit great tutors and train them to be exceptional tutors.

1. Find your perfect tutor

Start by searching for a tutor based on subject, level, and preferences. Look for qualifications, teaching experience, and expertise that align with your needs.

2. Book a tuition session

Once you have identified the ideal tutor, it's time to book a tuition session. Select a suitable time slot for your session. Follow the platform's instructions.

3. Connect & discover

It's important to establish communication with your tutor to discuss your needs and finalise the payment details and begin your tutoring sessions.

Why Prosikshya ?

Flexible, accessible and personalised approach in tutoring

Convenient classes

Imagine having access to quality tutors from the comfort of your home, or even your favorite coffee shop. With online tutoring, you're not bound by a physical location.

Quality tutoring​

Our tutors are rigorously vetted and selected based on their academic qualifications, teaching experience, and dedication to helping students succeed.

Personalised learning​

Our platform provides a personalized learning experience, matching each student with the most suitable tutor to meet their specific needs and learning style.

Safe and secure​

We use advanced technology to protect your personal information. Our tutors undergo background checks, online review system and adhere to a strict code of conduct, ensuring a safe and professional learning environment for all students.

Cost effective learning​

Create your ideal learning environment without the distractions or pressures of a traditional classroom. Online tutoring offers a safe and comfortable space where you can focus on your studies and maximize your learning potential.

Feedback and tracking

Tutors provide detailed feedback on students' performance. Additionally, our tutors offer progress tracking tools, allowing both students and parents to monitor academic improvement over time.

How to find & book a perfect tutor on Prosikshya?

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