Raj Kumar Neupane
Raj Kumar Neupane

Raj Kumar Neupane

  • 0.0 /5.0 (00)
  • 75%Profile completion
  • Chitwan, Narayani
Languages I know
  • Nepali
  • English

About me

My key strengths that would support my success in this position include compassionate, creative and effective teacher with valuable experience in classroom administration, professional development and project planning. 

With my MSc. Degree in Physics, I have a comprehensive understanding of students learning and previous works at reputed organizations of Nepal. Furthermore, I believe in fostering a growth mindset and teaching students valuable study skills and strategies that will benefit them beyond the classroom. By instilling a love for learning and encouraging critical thinking, I aim to empower students to become independent and lifelong learners.


  • Central Department of Physics, TU
  • Nepal
  • Running
Central Department of Physics, TU
  • Birendra Multiple Campus, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan
  • Nepal
  • 2016-2020
Birendra Multiple Campus, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan

I can teach



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