Sabitra Pokhrel
Sabitra Pokhrel

Sabitra Pokhrel

  • 0.0 /5.0 (00)
  • 75%Profile completion
  • Kathmandu, Bagmati
Languages I know
  • English
  • Nepali

About me

While I was in the school, I provided instruction and guidance to help students explore and understand important concepts in science, including problem-solving and how to gather evidence to support ideas or decisions. I created lesson plans, present science demonstrations, and grade tests and assignments.

UCMAS (Universal Concepts of Mental Arithmetic Systems) is the world renown mental arithmetic educational program that promotes the development of a child’s brain. Students are enjoying with Abacus in the class room. I was working as a course Instructor for the children ranging from 5 to 13 years. I trained them on Saturday and on the remaining days I worked as the adminstrative officer as well as went to school and market for marketing to encourage the teachers, students and parents to join in the Abacus class.



  • Trichandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University
  • Nepal
  • March 2022
(Graduate (Masters)) - Master In Science CGPA 3.53
  • Trichandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University
  • Nepal
  • June 2017
(Under Graduate (Bachelor)) - B.Sc

I can teach



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