Sanjay Timalsina
Sanjay Timalsina

Sanjay Timalsina

  • 0.0 /5.0 (00)
  • 75%Profile completion
  • Bhaktapur, Bagmati
Languages I know
  • Nepali
  • English

About me

My passion towards teaching profession led me to teach different subjects from a very early age (10 years of teaching). I always wanted to be independent and mange my expenses by myself, so I started teaching right after finishing plus 2. Earlier I had choosen Science faculty but due to sickness I couldn’t complete it but I didn’t give up on higher studies. I joined plus 2 Management and completed it.

I want to secure my position as a teacher/leader and utilize my dedication to fostering quality education required for a child’s development. Develop and promote creativity and high-order thinking skills that increase the performance of students. To build a long-term profession as a teacher that will offer endless opportunities for career growth and to keep up with cutting-edge educational technologies.

Account Teacher

  • Lyceum Paradise School, Pepsicola, Kathmandu

Compulsory Mathematics Teacher (Secondary Level)

  •  Paragon Public School, Tilganga Kathmandu


  • Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhwan University
  • Nepal
  • Running
Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhwan University

I can teach



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