Students Code of Conduct

Ethics and Accountability for Prosikshya Students

Respect and Courtesy
  • Treat the tutor and fellow students with respect, courtesy, and kindness. This includes using appropriate language and refraining from any form of bullying, discrimination, or disrespectful behavior.
  • Listen attentively and follow instructions provided by the tutor. Show active engagement and maintain a positive attitude during tutoring sessions.
  • Avoid disruptive behavior that may hinder the learning process for yourself or others. This includes refraining from excessive talking, interrupting others, or engaging in distracting activities.

Preparedness and Engagement
  • Come to tutoring sessions prepared with necessary materials, such as textbooks, notebooks, assignments, and any relevant questions or topics to discuss.
  • Actively engage in the learning process by asking questions, seeking clarification, and participating in activities or discussions. Take responsibility for your own learning and demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow.

Punctuality and Communication
  • Be punctual and arrive on time for scheduled tutoring sessions. If you anticipate being late or need to reschedule, communicate this to the tutor in advance.
  • Maintain open and effective communication with the tutor. Inform them of any challenges or concerns you may be facing that could impact your participation or progress during tutoring sessions.
  • In online tutoring sessions, notify the tutor if you experience technical difficulties or connectivity issues that may affect your ability to fully engage in the session.

Academic Honesty
  • Demonstrate academic honesty and integrity by completing assignments independently. Do not engage in cheating, plagiarism, or any form of dishonest practices.
  • Give credit to original sources when using external materials or referencing information obtained from other sources. Properly cite and acknowledge the work of others to avoid plagiarism.

Responsibility for Learning
  •  Take responsibility for your own learning and actively seek assistance when needed. Be proactive in asking questions, seeking clarification, and expressing any areas of difficulty or confusion.
  • Complete assigned tasks and homework to the best of your ability, putting forth genuine effort to learn and improve.
  • Review and reinforce concepts outside of tutoring sessions by studying independently and practicing the skills and knowledge learned during tutoring.

Open-mindedness and Respect for Differences
  • Embrace diversity and respect different perspectives and backgrounds. Engage in discussions with an open mind and be willing to consider and understand different viewpoints presented by the tutor or fellow students.
  • Avoid using discriminatory or offensive language or engaging in behavior that may marginalize or harm others based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other characteristic.

Confidentiality and Privacy
  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of fellow students and the tutor. Do not share personal or sensitive information about others without proper consent.
  • Maintain a safe and secure online environment by following privacy guidelines set by the tutoring platform or institution. Protect your own personal information and be mindful of the information you share online.

Use of Technology
  • Utilize technology responsibly and for educational purposes during online tutoring sessions. Use the provided platform and tools as intended, following any guidelines or rules set by the tutor or institution.
  • Seek assistance from the tutor if you encounter technical difficulties or issues that prevent you from fully participating in the online session. Be patient and cooperative in resolving any technology-related challenges.

Safety and Well-being
  • Prioritize your own safety and well-being during in-person tutoring sessions. If you feel uncomfortable or encounter any unsafe situations, immediately report them to a trusted adult or authority figure.
  • Follow safety guidelines and instructions provided by the tutor, especially when engaging in hands-on or physical activities during offline tutoring sessions. Be aware of your surroundings and exercise caution to prevent accidents or injuries.

Feedback and Communication
  • Provide constructive feedback to the tutor regarding the effectiveness of the tutoring sessions. Share your thoughts on what is working well and areas that could be improved to enhance your learning experience.
  • Maintain open and respectful communication with the tutor. Express any concerns or challenges you may be facing, and collaborate with the tutor to find solutions that support your learning goals.
By adhering to these guidelines, students can create a positive and productive learning environment, make the most out of their tutoring sessions, and foster a successful learning experience.

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