Tutors Code of Conduct

Professional Ethics and Accountability for Prosikshya Tutors


Tutors should maintain a high level of professionalism in their conduct and interactions with students. This includes being punctual and prepared for tutoring sessions, dressing appropriately, and presenting themselves as knowledgeable and committed educators. Tutors should treat students with respect, patience, and courtesy at all times.


Tutors should respect the privacy and confidentiality of their students. They should not disclose any personal or academic information about students without their explicit consent. Tutors should handle student records, grades, and any other sensitive information securely and confidentially. It is important to establish trust and create a safe environment where students feel comfortable sharing their concerns and challenges.

Competence and Knowledge

Tutors should possess the necessary knowledge and expertise in the subject they are tutoring. They should continuously enhance their own knowledge and skills, staying updated with current educational practices, methodologies, and resources. Tutors should provide accurate and up-to-date information to students, ensuring they are well-equipped to support students’ learning and academic progress.

Fairness and Impartiality

Tutors should treat all students fairly and impartially, regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, or any other characteristic. They should not discriminate or show favoritism towards any student. Tutors should provide equal opportunities for all students to succeed, create an inclusive environment, and foster a sense of belonging for every student they tutor.


Effective and clear communication is essential for successful tutoring. Tutors should establish open lines of communication with students, parents, or guardians, and respond promptly to messages, inquiries, or concerns. Tutors should provide clear instructions, explanations, and feedback to students, ensuring effective communication of the subject matter. They should encourage active participation and engagement from students.


Tutors should act with integrity and honesty in all aspects of their tutoring. They should not engage in any form of academic dishonesty or unethical practices. Tutors should not provide answers or complete assignments on behalf of students. They should encourage independent thinking, critical reasoning, and academic integrity. Tutors should also avoid conflicts of interest and prioritize the best interests of the students they tutor.

Safety and Well-being

Tutors should prioritize the safety and well-being of their students. In offline tutoring, tutors should choose suitable locations for tutoring sessions, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment. For online tutoring, tutors should use secure platforms and take necessary measures to protect students’ personal information and privacy. Tutors should be aware of potential risks and ensure appropriate safeguards are in place.


Tutors should establish clear boundaries in their relationships with students. They should maintain a professional distance and avoid engaging in any behavior that may be perceived as inappropriate or crossing personal boundaries. Tutors should not engage in any form of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct. They should create a safe and respectful learning environment for students.

Continuous Professional Development

Tutors should engage in ongoing professional development to enhance their teaching skills, knowledge, and effectiveness. They should stay informed about new educational practices, methodologies, technologies, and resources. Tutors should actively seek opportunities for professional growth, such as attending workshops, conferences, or participating in relevant training programs. Continuous learning enables tutors to provide the best possible support to their students.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Tutors should adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and policies related to tutoring activities. This includes copyright laws, data protection regulations, and any specific guidelines or policies set by educational institutions or tutoring organizations. Tutors should be familiar with these regulations and ensure compliance in their tutoring practices.

By following these guidelines and principles, tutors can create a positive and professional learning environment for their students, facilitating.

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