Dharma Raj Dhakal
Dharma Raj Dhakal

Dharma Raj Dhakal

  • 0.0 /5.0 (00)
  • 80%Profile completion
  • Chitwan, Narayani
Languages I know
  • Nepali
  • English

About me

I have completed my master’s in geophysics from Banaras Hindu University and a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Tribhuvan University. Previously, I was an expert answer at Course Hero and Chegg (American Ed-Tech companies). 
I am specifically an earth science subject expert (with subjects including geology, earth science, geography, seismology, meteorology, and oceanography) at the university level. However, if the students are at the high school level, then I can help them with their problems in mathematics and physics. If students are from the secondary and lower secondary levels, then I can teach subjects such as math, science, geography, etc. 


  • Banaras Hindu University
  • Varanasi
  • Three years
Master of Science in Geophysics that includes subjects such as the Geology, Mathematics, Physics etc.
  • Birendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University
  • Bharatpur
  • Three years
B.Sc. Physics that includes subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Research Methodology, Earth hazard control.

I can teach



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